Registration is OPEN!

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Time to register for the GCRA Virtual Technology Seminar - June 26-27, 2021 ……brought to you by some of the best steno and voice court reporting talent around, and powered by Whova Event Management.

It’s that time of year! We, as the Board of Directors of GCRA, struggled with a way to bring this seminar to you in a manner that made EVERYONE comfortable and eager to attend. Because we have chosen to go totally virtual this year, even reporters from other states are able to join us and get points for national (NCRA/NVRA) and possibly reciprocal state credit. This is an unexpected blessing that virtual has given us … and after the past year, don’t we all need a little blessing right about now?

As much as we would really enjoy the opportunity to get together in person, some are just not ready, and we want everyone to be included.

The Whova platform is also giving us the ability to allow folks to register for the seminar and attend on their own schedules - all registered attendees will be able to view individual sections FOR CEU CREDIT up to two weeks post-seminar. This is also wonderful news for those who might be conflicted and wish to view two sessions that might be occurring at the same time.

Please tell all your reporting friends all over the country that Georgia Court Reporters Association (GCRA) is offering 10+ hours of quality technology credit for Spring 2021.

Registration is open NOW! HURRY! Early birds (MAY 11-21) save $50 on their registration fee!

You can access the seminar registration information HERE, and look HERE for more information on presenters and agenda topics!

Hope to “see” you there ….



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